Teenager Captures Stunning Photos Of Earth From Space Using A Homemade Spacecraft
By Delords - Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adam Cudworth from Ombersley, Worcestershire, captured the amazing images using a helium balloon and a Canon A570 camera bought on eBay some 18 months ago.
Cudworth, a student of University of Nottingham with Physics A-Level as background in science, successfully captured the incredible images on a £200 (roughly $320 US), budget.

Apart from the three key tools, he also positioned a Canon A570 digital camera, a small video camera, two temperature sensors and two high-performance solar panels in the insulated box which he secured to a high altitude, two metre latex balloon on a parachute, CTV news reported.
Apart from the three key tools, he also positioned a Canon A570 digital camera, a small video camera, two temperature sensors and two high-performance solar panels in the insulated box which he secured to a high altitude, two metre latex balloon on a parachute, CTV news reported.
Cudworth then attached his contraption, dubbed HABE (High Altitude Balloon Experiments), to an air balloon and launched HABE into space where it captured NASA-quality photos of Earth from a height of 110,210 ft (roughly 20 miles above ground). Once HABE landed back on Earth (after the balloon burst in space), Cudworth was able to retrieve the photos by locating HABE using the GPS chip and radio transmitter he included.

"I have no background in astrophysics or anything like that - I'm just an engineering student. People think it's something that costs millions of pounds, but I've proved you can do it on just a £200 (roughly $320 US), budget," he added.
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